Strengthening Collaboration for Cyber Resilience: The Key to a Secure and Resilient Organization

作者: 雷蒙娜Ratiu, MS, CISM, 中钢协, 网络安全经理, 苏黎世保险, ISACA芝加哥分会前任主席
发表日期: 2023年7月17日

在今天的数字环境中, 每家公司都是网络威胁的潜在目标, 在组织内部建立弹性是必不可少的. 网络安全 is no longer solely the responsibility of the cybersecurity team—it requires a joint effort from all departments. This blog post aims to highlight the importance of collaboration among various departments to establish a unified front against evolving cyberthreats and to ensure company resilience in the face of emerging risks.


In order to grasp the concept of cyber resilience, it is essential to establish a clear meaning. 随着时间的推移,各种实体对其定义进行了微调. 根据世界经济论坛, “cyber resilience refers to the ability of systems and organizations to withstand cyber events, 适应变化的环境, and quickly recover from disruptions while continuing to deliver their intended objectives.” The International Standards Organization states that “cyber resilience is the ability of an organization to absorb and adapt to changing environments while delivering objectives.” NIST states that cyber resilience is not just about preventing breaches but assuming breaches will occur and planning for continued mission execution.

我们可以从《澳门赌场官方下载》电影中汲取灵感, which showcase the struggle of characters who must adapt and survive in a dangerous and unpredictable environment filled with genetically engineered dinosaurs. 这些角色在面对不可预见的挑战时表现出了韧性, make quick decisions and find innovative ways to protect themselves and others. 类似的, 在网络弹性领域, 组织必须为意外的网络攻击做好准备, adapt their defenses and respond swiftly to mitigate the impact and ensure business continuity.


在当今迅速演变的威胁形势下, 组织经常优先考虑技术方面和复杂的工具, inadvertently overlooking the critical importance of relationships and collaboration between departments. 然而, effective cybersecurity relies on collaboration and communication as the cornerstones of resilience.

成功的合作需要公开透明的沟通, inclusive decision-making and a willingness to embrace fresh ideas and diverse perspectives. 通过打破藩篱,促进合作, 组织可以利用其团队的集体智慧, 从而进行更全面的风险评估, 更强的事件响应能力和更明智的决策.

新兴技术,包括 人工智能(AI), 机器学习和自动化, have the potential to revolutionize collaboration and strengthen cyber resilience within organizations. These technologies provide advanced capabilities that significantly enhance the processes of threat detection and incident response. 人工智能和机器学习算法可以分析大量数据, 使组织能够识别模式, 方差和潜在的网络威胁更有效和准确. 通过自动化日常任务, 比如数据收集和分析, these technologies free up human resources to focus on higher-level strategic initiatives and more complex cybersecurity challenges.

此外, incident response can be bolstered by AI-powered systems that swiftly identify and mitigate threats, 从而最大限度地减少它们对组织运作的影响. This integration of emerging technologies into collaboration efforts not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity practices but also enables organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyberthreats.


建立一个安全和有弹性的环境, it is crucial to foster a partnership between the internal audit and cybersecurity functions. 在保持完整性的同时, 审计师的客观性和独立性, organizations should aim for a collaborative approach that strengthens their relationship. By doing so, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity efforts and overall resilience.


  • 相互尊重和沟通渠道: 合作应该建立在相互尊重、友好互动的基础上. 建立沟通渠道, 比如微软团队, 用于点对点协作和知识共享. Encourage open conversations and healthy discussions, even if differing opinions arise.
  • 定期会议和重要谈话: 这取决于组织的规模, 在网络安全和内部审计团队之间建立月度会议. 讨论风险,漏洞,即将到来的审计和任何问题或关注. Encourage “crucial conversations” that address differences in opinions and find constructive resolutions.
  • 参与项目管理: Include cybersecurity and auditors in larger project management meetings where existing projects are reviewed and new ones are approved. This allows security and audit perspectives to be considered upfront, minimizing risks.
  • 知识共享和主动监控: Conduct annual or bi-annual audit methodology overview meetings tailored to the cybersecurity audience. 分享高水平的期望、审核流程和程序. 类似的, involve auditors in cyber teams’ knowledge sharing programs to understand tools, 流程和团队协作. This sharing of information enables proactive monitoring of emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
  • 共同解决问题的举措: Engage auditors in cybersecurity testing scenarios such as tabletop exercises (TTX) with a cyber focus. Collaborate on robust control evaluations to assess the effectiveness of existing cybersecurity controls and identify gaps or weaknesses.
  • 稳健控制评估和网络风险评估: Combine the expertise of internal auditors in evaluating controls and processes with the technical knowledge of the cyber team. This collaboration enables a comprehensive assessment of cybersecurity controls, 识别差距或弱点, 并与组织的风险管理框架保持一致.
  • 培养信任、透明和建设性反馈的文化: Top management should encourage increased audit attention to information security issues and welcome constructive feedback. 信任和透明度促进了关键的见解, 改进风险评估,积极应对新出现的威胁.


The quality of relationships between internal auditors and cybersecurity professionals directly impacts an organization’s cybersecurity effectiveness. 通过促进这两个职能部门之间的紧密合作, organizations can leverage their combined expertise to build a robust cyber resilience framework. 加强沟通, knowledge-sharing and trust will enable organizations to effectively respond to cyber threats, enhance their cyber defenses and ensure the continuity of their mission in today’s challenging cyber environment.

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