你加入了团队,但你真的在游戏中吗? Exploring Differences Between 多样性 and 包容

作者: 杰希拉,创始人 & Executive Director, MakeCyberSimple and ISACA Sydney Chapter, Board Member
发表日期: 2023年8月17日

As the digital trust landscape becomes increasingly complex, organizations are realizing the value of diverse teams in order to stay ahead. 多元化的团队促进创新, 解决问题的能力, productivity and the overall bottom line of the business. Today, many organizations have dedicated 多样性, 股本 and 包容 (DE&I)政策和雇佣惯例. This is extending their workforce to include underrepresented groups across 性别, 文化, 比赛, 年龄, 能力和神经多样性.

然而,德&I goes beyond ticking the boxes and mere representation of minority groups on paper. It requires empowerment, the ability to influence change, equal prospects and a sense of belonging. 没有这些核心元素, organizations would miss out on the extraordinary benefits that come from a varied workforce.

用我们的类比, a diverse workplace without stronger and more diverse output is like a sporting team that benches the same players each week, 错过了新技术, 多种技能和新鲜活力. 类似的, a diverse workplace without strong and diverse output fails to maximize its true potential.

在网络安全等技术领域, t在这里 is an additional challenge that often links diversity to 性别 representation, 这无疑是至关重要的, diversity encompasses a broader range of under-represented groups

多样性. 股本. 包含:三个非常不同的功能

当德&I被分成三个不同的单词, 意义上的差异是显而易见的, 然而,许多公司仍将DE归为一类&我投进了同一个篮子. This limits the powerful impact that is created when the three work independently toward a common goal of producing innovative, 高效和繁荣的工作场所.


多样性 encompasses what the workforce looks like and the presence of differences such as ethnicity, 年龄, 神经的多样性, 体能, 性别, 以及宗教和文化信仰, 举几个例子. 

股本 considers that not every employee enters the organization at the same level and is the process of ensuring impartiality and fairness so that everybody has the same opportunities and rights to grow and prosper.

包容 意味着每个员工, 不管他们有什么不同, feels a sense of belonging and that their opinions and voice are heard, 认可和重视. 

When each of these individual functions are given the space and opportunity to produce what they stand for, 合并后的结果是一个真正的DE&I workplace environment, which could look a little like this:

“Our organization is a place that values differences. We know a variety of perspectives are only possible if our teams are of different 性别s, 文化, 年龄, 种族, 能力和生活经历. 没有这一点,我们全公司的思维就会停滞不前. We are a place w在这里 every single employee can come to work focused on what they will contribute that day, not focused on how to ‘blend in’ or mask their authenticity. And each employee will be given the opportunity to grow that is individualized to them.”

If this were a workplace advertisement, the applications would be flooding in!


Creating sustainable change is no easy feat and requires a shift in organizational priorities and processes, along with a shift in personal attitudes and behaviors. 在组织层面上, both diversity and equity can be addressed through recruitment processes, but inclusivity is the most challenging and up to the company as a whole, 包括所有员工.

One of the ways to encour年龄 employees to adopt inclusive behavior is through the power of education. When people understand why change is important, they are often more inclined to respond. The word “inclusive” is not a new concept—however, sometimes it is referred to with little substance. Workplaces say they are inclusive because they have a diverse representation of employees, but when you ask the minority groups in that organization if they feel heard, 答案往往是相互矛盾的. Rather than playing the game, they feel as though they are mascots or warming the bench.

When employees realize inclusion means making sure minority groups feel like they belong, it allows them to assess and challenge their own personal bias, which may be preventing them from fully embracing all perspectives. This level of self-awareness opens the door to hearing diverse perspectives and different points of view, widening their own personal sp在这里 of influence and ability to create positive change. Coupled with an organizational shift that emb比赛s each function of DE&I, along with senior leaders demonstrably practicing inclusion, true DE&我可以意识到——每个玩家在游戏中的位置.

Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is not just about ticking boxes or having policies in place. It requires a cultural shift to ensure every employee feels valued, empowered and heard. 当组织澳门赌场官方下载多样性时, equity and inclusion as separate functions and actively work toward building a truly inclusive environment, they unlock the full potential of their diverse workforce. By challenging personal biases and fostering a sense of belonging, 组织可以推动创新, 生产力与成功. Everyone deserves the opportunity to contribute their best, 确保所有玩家都在游戏中. 

编者按: ISACA’s One In Tech foundation is working to build a diverse and inclusive global community of cybersecurity and IT audit professionals. 了解更多关于One In Tech的信息 在这里.





