
New ISACA Paper Enables 澳门赌场官方下载s to Use Cyberrisk Quantification to Improve Approach to 网络安全 Risk
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2022年10月3日

近年来,互联网用户看到了两步身份验证过程的兴起, CAPTCHA测试要求您识别一组图像中的所有总线, 并在你的设备新登录时发送短信或电子邮件提醒. These are all methods of combating the increase in cyberattacks and are examples of the impact of cybersecurity on daily life.

当大多数人想到网络安全时, 他们可能会想到针对大型组织的重大网络攻击, 比如 SolarWinds黑客 or the Colonial Pipeline hack; however, 网络安全越来越成为日常话题, as consumers increasingly shop online and are more concerned about what that means for their data. 但我们对网络安全中经常被忽视的消费者方面又了解多少呢? 在这篇博文中, we will break down the experiences and perceptions of consumers in relation to cyberthreats, digital trust and the 组织 they interact with through data from ISACA’s “网络安全 2022: A Consumer Perspective” global survey report.

数字的信任 is defined by ISACA as “the confidence in the relationship and transactions among providers and consumers within the digital ecosystem. 这包括人的能力, 组织, 流程和技术创造和维护一个值得信赖的数字世界.” ISACA Principle of 隐私 Professional Practices Safia Kazi emphasized the importance of the relationship between 数字信任和隐私 在最近一期的ISACA Live节目中. “如果你想获得数字信任, 你还必须确保你在保护人们的隐私. 这两者确实是密切相关的,”卡兹说.

消费者对一个组织的信心对该组织的声誉至关重要, 财政和增长机会. If a consumer does not trust in that enterprise’s stability in managing its threat landscape, 个人资料的安全和私隐, 或者在公司价值观和网络安全方面的诚信和透明度, 失去业务和声誉成功的风险更大. 百分之九十五 大多数网络安全漏洞是由人为错误造成的, so it is important that consumers trust the humans behind the businesses they interact with to protect their information.

ISACA’s survey report revealed that consumers are more confident doing business with 组织 that hire certified cybersecurity professionals. Certifications continue to secure their place in the industry as important signifiers of professionals’ experience, 具备信息技术和网络安全领域的知识和技能, and they can be a great method of establishing such skills with consumers and stakeholders to increase digital trust and confidence in business interactions.

随着集体诉讼和解的增加, 比如仅在美国伊利诺伊州就发生了涉及Facebook和Snapchat的案件, the perhaps overdue reality of consumers taking cybersecurity more seriously is emerging. Kazi mentioned that these settlements are one way the average person is learning more about privacy and the importance of keeping their data safe. “I ultimately think that the average person’s expectations for 组织 with which they’re giving their data are only going to increase. 我们可能会看到更多的集体诉讼, 罚款, 不保护隐私会受到惩罚,名誉受损,卡兹说.

ISACA调查了超过3家,000名美国消费者, UK, 澳大利亚和印度对网络安全的看法. 大约三分之一的消费者, 或者是他们的家庭成员, 个人信息被盗. 当消费者与澳门赌场官方下载互动时, 他们希望自己的信息得到保护——当这些信息被泄露时, one in three consumers will cease their interactions with the business that failed to protect consumers’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII). Respondents to the survey only demonstrated moderate confidence in businesses’ ability to safely secure consumers’ PII. It is clear that consumers are taking the protection of their PII seriously and are therefore more likely to support businesses that do the same.

Despite recent regulations like the California Consumer 隐私 Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and bills that have not yet been officially introduced like the American Data 隐私 and Protection Act (ADPPA), 70%的消费者 still do not feel like businesses are doing enough to keep their information safe and default to assuming it has been compromised without them knowing. This reiterates how crucial enterprises’ transparency is in establishing digital trust to ensure reputational and financial success.

Kazi’s advice for 组织: “If you can be clear about why you’re collecting data and how you’re going to process it, odds are [that] you’re going to do a good job of protecting privacy and gaining trust from your data subjects.”

除了危及消费者的个人信息, cyberattacks also cause consumers to feel helpless about their ability to protect their own data. 根据ISACA的调查报告, 约占美国消费者的五分之一, UK and Australia (and triple that number in India) experience a sense of resignation that there is nothing they can do to protect themselves from cybercrimes. 美国近一半的消费者, 英国和澳大利亚认为他们很可能成为网络犯罪的受害者.

尽管最初的网络攻击只发生一次, 这次攻击的持久影响将持续一段未知的时间. If consumers’ data are stolen during cybercrimes and are subsequently sold to malicious actors, 一次攻击可能演变成令人头疼的欺诈, 身份盗窃和社会工程诈骗在可预见的未来. Cyberattacks that compromise personal medical information in the healthcare industry or important account details in the financial services industry can cause emotional and financial stress. 在美国,公众正开始这样做 担心国家支持的网络攻击 针对国家安全和国防系统和政府机构, 除了自己的个人信息.

当然,网络犯罪的代价不仅仅是情感上的,还有经济上的. 根据IBM, the amounts of money that malicious actors are holding stolen data ransom for have grown to seven and eight figures. The average cost of a ransomware attack, not even including the ransom payment itself, was US$4.2021年达到6200万. Although this seems to be more of a financial concern for the company rather than the consumer, these costs will affect the company’s budget and prices as they attempt to offset the damages of data compromises and cyberattacks. These rising costs will ultimately be reflected in the price of affected companies’ products and services, 损害消费者预算.

消费者比以往任何时候都更加意识到并关注网络安全. 网上有这么多他们的个人信息和数据, consumers are increasingly seeking out businesses that value and demonstrate transparency around their data collection and storage processes, 以及那些正在实施健全网络安全实践的国家. 澳门赌场官方下载s’ communication to consumers about what they are doing to safeguard their data will be vital in this new era. 在这个数字化转型的时代, it is critical that the world of cybersecurity evolves rapidly to counter the rise of cyber threats and cyberattacks in order to maintain consumer confidence.





