Failure to Patch and the Rare Case of the Java Crypto Hack

作者: 弗兰克·唐斯先生. Director, Proactive Services at BlueVoyant and Member of ISACA Emerging Trends Working Group
发表日期: 2022年4月29日

One of the often-accepted truisms in cybersecurity is to ensure that all systems supporting and protecting business operations are up-to-date and current. 许多网络专家很快就学会了, 然而, that there are usually several good reasons for not updating corporate software or applications each time a new patch is released. Reasons for not patching key systems run the gamut from “new patches break functionality” to “lack of resources to test new patches.” While many of these reasons are sometimes initially acceptable from a security perspective, without addressing the underlying issue that delays system patching, organizations increase their risk of an exploitation or attack over time. 然而, Java最近的加密错误, which allows attackers to bypass digital signatures, some organizations find themselves in the rare, 如果没有疑问, position wherein ignoring Java patches and updates may have protected them from exploitation.

最近的Java开发, 记录为CVE-2022-21449, differentiates itself from others in a few respects. The hack takes advantage of Java’s implementation of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), a cryptograph algorithm that leverages the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields to generate encryption keys and provide greater trust of message integrity. 通常, when keys are generated and used to store and/or send data, 存在签名验证算法, which leverages an equation that combines a signer’s public key and a hash of a message to validate the signature and thus the integrity of the affiliated data. 然而, 从Java 15开始, a faulty implementation of ECDSA allows for the use of zero as an integer in the two-sided equation. 像这样, signature checking can be bypassed/negated by introducing zero to the two sides of the equation. Since zero will always equal zero, the signature is always validated.

The impact of this attack could be far-reaching, depending on its use. 具体地说, 尼尔·马登, 谁发现了漏洞?, likened the attack to blank identity cards that allow the user to bypass any security checks that leverage it. One concerning method through which this attack can be used is by bypassing SSL checks in communications. 像这样, it becomes a useful tool for anyone wishing to perform a potential man-in-the-middle attack against a target, 或者只是听通信. Users logging into accounts online and passing credentials that use vulnerable versions of Java are at risk.

然而, not all versions of Java are susceptible to this recently revealed vulnerability. 具体地说, 甲骨文, which owns and operates Java Standard Edition (SE), released a statement that noted only Java versions 15 and up are vulnerable. These more recent versions of Java are the ones that leverage the ECDSA equations to generate and validate the keys. Currently, all other versions of Java have proven themselves insusceptible to the exploitation. This fact provides a level of comfort for most developers who implement Java in their workflow, as over 60 percent of applications developed with Java use versions eight or 11. 在这种情况下, 显然, ignoring the newer versions of Java has acted as an inadvertent security control for most organizations.

通常, 维护老, often unsupported applications and tools can prove both dangerous and risky for organizations. 通常, 曾经是一家公司, 比如甲骨文, discontinues updates for its applications, 它标志着该版本的结束. 一旦支持结束, new vulnerabilities and exploitations are more likely to be unaddressed except by enthusiasts, hobbyists and corporations with specific desires to continue leveraging the outdated product. 在甲骨文的案例中,它是 ceased providing public updates for Java 8 in 2019, despite it still being the most popular version in use today. 然而, 在这个例子中, not updating to the newest versions of Java proved an unlikely security control, protecting organizations who refused to patch.





