
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2020年6月30日

编者按: 艾米丽Tsitrian, Castlight Health专业服务高级经理, 上周在 骄傲峰会 在她的课程中,“老板起来。! 如何成为老板.” Tsitrian visited with ISACA现在 following her session to share some of her guidance on transitioning to becoming a supervisor, 特别是在当今时代,远程工作已经变得越来越普遍. 以下是谈话实录,为篇幅和清晰度进行了编辑:

ISACA现在: What are some of the most common missteps people make when they are new to a supervisory/management role?
It can take six months to a year for first-time managers to settle into their new role and set of responsibilities. 在此期间, 当涉及到书面责任时,学习“如何做”是很重要的, 比如学习如何批准开支, 执行绩效评估和招聘流程的细节. The harder part is to navigate the new normal when it comes to adjusting to your new position of power and influence, knowing that your words and actions have a much bigger impact and so there is a need to be more deliberate, 在你的方法中反思和谦虚.

The biggest singular mistake I see most frequently is being afraid or sheepish around making decisions. 行政决策既是一门艺术,也是一门科学, and new managers have to get comfortable with the fact that not all their decisions will be good ones and that not everyone will agree with their decisions. It’s almost like a constant state of vulnerability that requires a mental adjustment and practice to adopt. 

ISACA现在: For people who might be technical practitioners but have aspirations of advancing in their careers, what are some key management 技能 to cultivate and what are the best ways to go about attaining them?
对于有抱负的人事经理,我的建议是去争取! The world needs fantastic people managers across every industry to make lasting change and advance the human race forward. 话虽如此,这里有一些实用的建议,可以帮助你在管理领域开辟职业道路.

The first is to explicitly tell your manager and mentors that you’re interested in exploring this career path and to find extracurricular work opportunities that are similar to “management lite” – these can include volunteering to facilitate meetings, 管理实习生, 指导和培养新员工, 或者在跨职能会议上代表部门的需求. These activities will both help you understand if these are types of responsibilities you enjoy, 这将有助于你成为第一次应聘管理职位的有竞争力的候选人.

The second is to work to establish yourself as a team “caretaker” when it comes to the general sense of emotional wellbeing and psychological safety of the team. 有意识地经常安排1:1的时间,和不同的人聊聊天, 专注于深度倾听,并提供有用的建议和反馈. 同时, it’s important to stay slightly aloof and have a little bit of social distance while maintaining emotional presence. Avoid the urge to engage in gossip or excessive venting – these behaviors may help you connect socially with your team but will need to be course-corrected when you eventually become their manager, 所以要注意! 如果你有一个既定的, trusting relationship with the team you may lead one day it will make you an ideal next-generation manager and help you adjust to the new normal once you do.

The third is to demonstrate active interest and dialogue with departments outside of your own – this is a core trait of great managers to be able to easily empathize and comprehend business needs and bigger picture goals in an inter-department sense. 和, building relationships with colleagues across the company is what will help a new manager address issues and needs in their “home” department.

ISACA现在: How will the supervisor/employee relationship be impacted most by this trend toward 远程工作 that the pandemic has accelerated?
我对此非常乐观 远程工作 将有助于建立更有效和有意义的主管/员工关系. 完全透明, I have led more remote teams than in-person teams and my personal preference is a distributed team, but certainly there are perks to being able to physically be in the trenches with your crew day in and day out.

Some of the business-related benefits include being able to offer more work-life balance and hire a more diverse team since you can source from cities outside of your company’s main headquarters. I also find it easier to connect with my team during 1:1s; there is a certain level of intimacy with speaking together in your homes. 我发现了解他们的家庭和个人生活以及分享我的生活更容易. 例如, 如果我在门廊接电话,而他们就在他们的狗旁边, it provides a natural way to connect about our home lives and what our day-to-day is like outside of work. I might show my new porch furniture and they might turn their volume up so I can hear their snoring dog beside them. 这些时刻在办公室环境中是不自然的.

I do think that managers need to be conscious of establishing both a casual/informal conversation norm as well as a more formal one, 这是很棘手的. 因为你不会在休息室里有这样的时刻, good morning chit-chats and other opportunities to just connect and build a rapport with your team, 重要的是,仍然把短暂的联系时刻放在首位. 我建议你偶尔给你的团队成员打个电话, 通过公司的聊天频道发送有趣的小礼物, ensure you’re finding random things to connect on like the Netflix series you both happen to be watching, 你的新爱好, 等.

ISACA现在: Impostor syndrome is increasingly acknowledged as a serious challenge for people who are taking on new and more demanding roles. 你对冒名顶替综合症有什么看法?人们如何克服它?
我的建议是双重的. 第一,我鼓励领导者要有一种谦逊的态度,这种态度伴随着一种责任感 冒名顶替者综合症. 谦卑要求我们对自己的角色和权力地位表现出极大的尊重, 并充分把握我们的工作对我们团队的影响, 我们的行业, 我们的客户. 承认这一点并与之合作, 而不是反对它, 能让你成为一个更强大的领导者吗. 脆弱和权力是同一枚硬币的两面, and 冒名顶替者综合症 can actually *help* you approach your leadership role from a place of humility.

其次, I encourage anyone grappling with 冒名顶替者综合症 to seek feedback from trusted peers in your professional to obtain an objective view of your performance, 技能, 从你信任的人那里获得成长. 这种方式, you can “trick” your brain into an objective understanding of your work since you know it’s coming from people you deeply trust, 而不是听从你头脑中过度自我批评的声音. 





