
作者: 索菲娅贝克勒, CISA, CGEIT, CCS
发表日期: 2023年2月21日

Harnessing the potential of digital technologies and data is key to staying relevant in the IT space. 数字转换, 或者采用新兴的基础数字技术, 创造新的机会和风险. “Organizations will not remain competitive unless they radically adapt to the demands of the digital era,哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的一份调查出版物写道.1 Part of this adaptation—and key to digital transformation—is understanding the benefits of adopting transparency and accountability within an organization.

透明度使组织能够接受数据并利用它们做得更好, faster decisions; encourages staff to challenge the status quo; creates a dynamic understanding of customers; allows for distributed decision-making and co-creation; and promotes continuous experimentation and learning, 道德决策和主动治理.

透明度也产生了问责制. Digitizing a business process requires information governance with heightened transparency and accountability in the organization. 例如, 整个数据集成, 数据交换, 供应链管理, transparency in business can be used to market better products and secure future viability for customers. 另外, 如果流程及其状态是数字化监控的, 行政管理人员对如何完成工作更有信心. Therefore, well-documented processes and a transparent workflow boost an organization's visibility.

没有透明度和问责制, 一个组织的工作流程会因为缺乏远见和不一致而中断. Transparency can also eliminate unnecessary frustration by offering a clear view of the cause of any problem that an organization may face. Implementing transparency and accountability tools during digital transformation in systems and algorithms helps protect users and enterprises against undesirable results and ensures the application of appropriate policies, 数字环境的程序和法律.


与数字化转型相吻合, a host of new technologies comprising the intelligent ecosystem are rapidly advancing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR or 行业4.以深刻的方式改变商业. 软件即服务(SaaS), 云, 物联网(IoT), 人工智能(AI), 机器人, 区块链, 5G网络都是推动工业4.0的因素.0. 缺乏促进透明度的有力工具, accountability and effective audit is a major obstacle in the complex processes and supply chains of 行业4.0. Due to the conflicting needs to innovate and mitigate risk, digital transformation has been slow.

A host of new technologies comprising the intelligent ecosystem are rapidly advancing 行业4.并以深刻的方式改变商业.

The mentioned Harvard Business School survey asked executives to rate the progress of their enterprises’ digital transformations.2 Those who had been on their digital transformation journey for more than 5 years reported the most headway. 不幸的是, slow adoption of risk management is all too familiar in many sectors where organizations undertake large-scale digital transformations. 人们的关注点往往是如何变得更加数字化, 快速移动, 利用数据做出决策并迅速作出反应. 风险和遵从性只是事后的想法. Organizations must pay more attention to implementing digital risk management processes for improved control of assets and security against threats.


要想数字化转型成功, performing timely digital transformation audits is as important as executing a digital strategy that keeps up with the pace of advancements. Assessing the impact of risk on digital technologies is imperative to their successful adoption. 但是没有必要重新发明轮子. 可以通过扩展管理澳门赌场官方下载风险的现有方法来处理风险. 审计应在确保(i).e.,提供传统的保证),咨询(i.e.(作为值得信赖的顾问)和预测(i.e.(为新的风险做好准备).

Some of the tools auditors can use to enable digital transparency and accountability include:

  • 认知技术-该工具使用算法,使软件能够吸收信息, 以类似人类的方式思考和推理. It can plow through vast tracts of data and perform digital analyses of the data in ways that are impossible to do manually, 即使是整个审计团队.
  • 预测分析—This is the use AI and machine learning (ML) for data analysis to make predictions based on future probabilities.
  • 智能数字中心—These are fintech-introduced inventions whereby auditors can work remotely and in real time utilizing data and analytics, 自动化, 和可视化.
  • Avatour-该工具允许用户托管虚拟旅游, 在不牺牲质量的情况下实时进行远程检查和培训.

Web 3.0和它的黑暗面

正在进行的数字化转型中最重要的形式之一是Web 3的兴起.0,它被广泛认为是互联网的下一个阶段. Web 3.预计0将是去中心化的,并由基于加密货币的经济提供动力. Web 3.0个要素包括去中心化金融(DeFi), 不可替代代币(nft)和游戏赚钱游戏, 等.. 它将在区块链网络上运行,并利用人工智能, ML, cryptocurrencies, 以及空间或3D图形数据表示,以改变在线体验.

但是web3也有潜在的缺点.这些都是值得研究的. 例如, Ethereum Name Service (EN) makes it easy to send and receive cryptocurrency and access websites by entering simple names (e.g.,索菲娅.而不是由长而复杂的字母和数字组成的字符串. 这就带来了第三方可能试图冒充品牌的风险.g.,思科.乙,wellsfargo.乙). ENS domains are recorded on the 区块链 and cannot be easily removed through trademark disputes.

Social engineers/whales can identify real-world identities and physical locations using a registered ENS domain. 这让我们想起了ICANN的隐私问题, in which the development of the “WHOIS” privacy policy took nearly a decade due to right to privacy vs. 信息披露问题.3 ENS域名的其他问题包括假冒客户支持代理, 丢失钱包密钥的验证过程, and the signing of malicious smart contracts and handing over of nonfungible tokens (NFTs).

随着Web 3的快速发展和倡议.0, a decisive and holistic security measure should be applied to curb the gruesome threat of hacking and exploitations. 重要的是要注意Web 3.0 has a built-in security system that makes it impenetrable to hackers and any form of cyberattacks. 然而,DeFi和Web 3的其他组件.0是一个容易受到攻击的失误.

降低Web 3的风险.0

Web 3的风险.0通常比传统应用程序更具破坏性. 例如, the events related to smart contracts are often irreversible and contingent.

Web 3.风险可以通过以下方式减轻:

  • 利益相关者与业界就保安资源和情报展开合作
  • 提高对Web 3的认识.0 market and trust dynamics and embracing different 区块链 designs to apply security principles more strategically
  • 整合Web 3.0个项目进入安全治理
  • 应用攻击防范技术
  • 确保合同和代码得到独立的分析和审计


数字化转型增加了对数字数据的访问. 但仅仅获得数据并不意味着可以不负责任地使用它们. 如果透明度和问责制的措施不经常付诸实施, 一个组织可能会受到金融危机的影响, 法律和声誉责任. Organizations can build transparency and accountability by proactively advocating for them and explicitly communicating that they are key elements of successful projects and overall organizational culture. 通过制定政策,可以获得对透明度和问责制的支持, deploying tools and regularly engaging in activities that promote transparency and accountability. 采取这些步骤有助于组织通过监控提高操作效率, 防止欺诈及贪污, 培养道德文化.


1 山,我.; A. Le Cam; S. Menon; E. Tedards; “数字化转型会把你带向何方? 来自1700位领导者的见解,哈佛商学院,美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,2022年1月31日
2 同前.
3 互联网名称与数字地址分配机构厚WHOIS政策制定”,美国

索菲娅贝克勒, CISA, CGEIT, CCS

是一位商业领袖, enterprise executive and international entrepreneur whose experience spans both the public and private sectors. 她是一位关注全球政策的思想领袖, 澳门赌场官方下载治理, 技术, 发展问题, 还是一位投资者和慈善家. 贝克勒曾在包括美国银行在内的财富500强公司工作, 加州三菱银行, 和普华永道(PWC), 在商业和技术领域, 系统安全审计, 风险管理和澳门赌场官方下载制度. Bekele is a strong advocate for accountability and transparency improvement in all facets of her engagements and holds public authorities and the private sector to high standards.