Using COBIT for Value-Based Direction Setting: A Business Transformation Road-Mapping Assignment

Opeyemi Onifade
发表日期: 2022年2月1日

Every organization goes through a phase in its life cycle that leaves it with 2 options: transform or decline. 在这个数字时代, it is beneficial for top management to approach these opportunities for business transformation as required steps to surviving or thriving by using solutions-based or value-based perspectives. A transformation program is likely to be suboptimal if driven by tools and technology capabilities rather than value realization objectives.

举个例子, 拉各斯的澳门赌场官方下载集团, 尼日利亚, needed to confront the IT-related issues impeding its potential. The organization engaged a consulting team to support the board and management to set the direction for digital technology adoption in its ongoing business transformation drive. The conglomerate has been in business for 18 years and has 133 full-time employees. The technology organization of the conglomerate serves more than 10 subsidiaries of the enterprise, 在不同的经济领域开展业务, 包括银行, 投资, 金融, 能源与物流.

The consultants introduced the organization's top management to the COBIT® 设计因素发表于 COBIT® 2019 Design Guide: Designing an Information and Technology 治理 Solution as a way of establishing the organizational context necessary to determine the strategic digital capability options for the enterprise and its subsidiaries. COBIT was used to bring clarity to the engagement by asking 4 important questions.


The organization's decision makers were interviewed to understand the business drivers. The interviews examined the organization’s value and risk drivers. Facilitated sessions with the principal leaders of the organization examined the strategic focus of each of the subsidiaries to determine the suitable digital capabilities required to transform the business. COBIT提供了4个需要关联的战略原型. 对一些子公司来说, the strategic focus was on growing revenue and expanding the customers’ base. 为他人, 重点是差异化和创新, 成本领先, 客户服务与稳定性.

The chosen strategic focus for each subsidiary helped determine the priorities of the enterprise goals based on the 13 generic goals in COBIT 2019. 优先级目标有助于澄清战略驱动因素. The organization also adopted the metrics for the chosen enterprise goals.


确定了要关注的优先目标, the consultants mapped the alignment goals (using the COBIT mapping tables) to the COBIT governance and management objectives. This helped to determine the existence of appropriate objectives and adequate underpinning components necessary to effectively attain the prioritized goals.


  • The existing organizational structure was no longer adequate to support the growth of the organization.
  • 当前与it相关的服务组合, infrastructure and applications was due for retirement and replacement.
  • The skills and competencies of the IT personnel had become dated.
  • 有几个进程没有执行它们的目的.
  • Missing work products were observed due to suboptimal automation, which also exposed the organization to compliance infractions.


回答第三个问题, the consultants conducted a process capability assessment of the prioritized objectives for each of the subsidiaries. 中描述了优先级目标 图1.

来源:改编自ISACA®, COBIT® 20192019年,美国

研究结果表明,, 在一般情况下, most of the processes were at level 1 of the COBIT performance management (CPM) model. 

The enterprise management decided to target capability level 3 for the associated processes in the aforementioned objectives based on the guidance from the COBIT design tool kit. Level 3 capability ensures that the process in focus is well defined and achieves its purpose in a much more organized way using organizational assets.

Business leaders must gain clarity regarding the value-based strategic choices they need to make to sustain value for their organizations.


The business capability road map was determined with the aid of the COBIT design tool kit. The key performance indicators (KPIs) were adopted from the metrics listed for the practices under the objectives.

A benefit register was also created to direct and control the implementation of the prioritized initiatives. The high-priority initiatives were underpinned by corresponding business cases. 业务案例模板 COBIT® 2019框架:介绍和方法 适合这个练习吗.

Business leaders must gain clarity regarding the value-based strategic choices they need to make to sustain value for their organizations. 思维导图 图2 can be used to help leaders design a vision script and an execution road map.

图2 -思维导图
来源:改编自ISACA®, COBIT® 2019美国,2019年和ValIT™


COBIT provides proven answers to the most pertinent questions in the digital transformation journey. 然而, business leaders must learn to ask value-based questions to equip them to realize the benefits and optimize the risk of their information and technology 投资s. COBIT是答案,但是你知道问题是什么吗? Asking the right questions and answering them using COBIT ensures that efforts are moving in the right direction.


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